Limited liability company in Poland
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Polish conflicts of laws rules in succession matters
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Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming.
Kłoda Toczko Spółka Partnerska Adwokaci
Spółka adwokacka, której partnerami są Marcin Kłoda i Anna Toczko
We propose estate planning services that consist in preparing a will or other disposition of property upon death so as to reflect the client’s intention as closely and as cost-efficiently as possible. Such advice is provided in an international context and includes determination of the law that governs the succession. Marcin Kłoda has considerable experience in probate issues, notably with an international element.
The Law Firm’s experience in this field has inspired us to prepare a memorandum dedicated to conflicts of laws in succession matters.
We also handle family law cases, such as those relative to divorce, property division and child custody, Beata Strzelka being particularly experienced in this field.